
Hi! I’m Hannah, the reader behind this book blog and here’s just a little bit about me 😌

This blog is dedicated to exploring literature and what it has to offer. A site for all of us who enjoy reading, love a book chat or are looking for their next page-turner. If you’re looking for book reviews, recommendations and maybe even feedback for something you’ve written, then you’re in the right place!

Launched in September 2018, this blog came to be when, as a newly graduated university student with much more free time, I began to rediscover my love for reading – and to hopefully inspire that in others. Alongside that, after becoming the go-to for going over my friends’ essays I found a, perhaps odd, love for proofreading and editing – something that I’d love to do more so if you have anything you’d like me to look at please head to my submit page!

I’ve always been a huge reader, always looking forward to those trips to the bookshop and chatting about stories with my friends but at university – when you’re swamped with assignments and a strict reading list – there isn’t much time to relax with a page-turner. After finishing my degree in History, I decided that I wanted to get my ‘reading for pleasure’ back on track.

Since then, I’m making the move to dive headfirst into the book world and all of the fantastic things it has to offer. I’ve volunteered at Birmingham Literature Festival, taken part in National Novel Writing Month and even landed myself a job as a bookseller! I’m loving this journey so far and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Getting a bit more personal, I love to travel and have done so through Europe and South East Asia – the beautiful scenery, gorgeous food and, of course, having those spare moments to read while soaking up the sun, or a cocktail, feel like a blessing.

So, I hope that this blog is useful for you and should you ever fancy a book chat, my Twitter page is always open, come and say hi!

– Hannah xo